söndag 20 februari 2011

One impossible polaroid - one fake

It not the same feeling in a digital image as in a Polaroid or what do you think?
The first picture is impossible and the second is digital.
Whats your opinion?


torsdag 17 februari 2011

Impossible making money

Sounds impossible - Business Week Magasin has an interesting articel about the development of instant film after Polaroid closed down its last facility in Netherland.
Read more here Link To Business Week

lördag 5 februari 2011

Emulsion lift - my first

Okey - its not the best but I'v done it.
It is very special and unpredictable as the Impossible film.
I guess you ether like it or hate it.
Anyway, here it is

fredag 4 februari 2011


Tested my Polaroid 600 with PX Silver shade
I think its okey - not me but the picture ;=)

Regards Leif

torsdag 3 februari 2011

Integral Instant Films.

Just watch this - Integral Instant Films.

The Impossible Film

I have to admit I am not yet fully comfortable with the film. Some times it creates wonderful pictures and some times I recognize it as crap.
Anyway the artistic opportunities are unlimited and I'm learning.
These are the film I'v used so far:

I have done my first emulsion lift and will show you that later.


onsdag 2 februari 2011

The Camera - Polaroid SX-70

This is my first Polaroid, bought on e-bay for app. 100 $. It didn't work when it arrived so I had to repair it myself. It's hard to find someone with knowledge and experience. So I found a repair manual on internet, thanks to Mike Butkus www.butkus.org.
Here is the beauty.

I will soon post some pictures.